🚨🏀JH GAMES are cancelled tomorrow due to a flu outbreak at the opposing school.
20 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
Get your CANDY GRAMS ordered before Feb. 10th!
21 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
Congratulations to our November Students of the Month: Berklee Lander Jesse Gober Aiden Lawson
21 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
FAQ's about the 2025 Bond Project have been added to the Bond 2025 Page. https://www.unioncity.k12.ok.us/o/uc/page/2025-bond-vote-information
22 days ago, Union City High School
What's going on this week at UC School....
23 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
🏀Our Lady Tigers finished with 2nd place in the Paden HS Tournament. Congratulations to Bree Goad, Kamryn Cook, and Lily Russell for making the All Tournament Team!
24 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
🏀BIG WIN for our TIGERS tonight against Paden! Congratulations to Aiden Williams for sinking the winning 3 to put the TIGERS ahead 60 to 58!
24 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
🏀Final day of the Paden HS Basketball Tournament!
24 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
🏀Day 2 of the Paden HS Invitational Tournament🏀
26 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
Spring Picture Day is Thursday February 6th! This will be for grades Pre-K through 4th Grade Only.
26 days ago, Union City High School
Follow the link for all things 2025 Bond related. We will update every once in awhile so be sure to check back from time to time! https://www.unioncity.k12.ok.us/o/uc/page/2025-bond-vote-information You can also find the link in the menu on the website under " About Us"
26 days ago, Union City High School
Our Senior 2025 Page is LIVE! On the page you will find - a link to pictures taken throughout the year and a full list of each Seniors "Favorite Things" for anyone who wants to love on our seniors this year. Be on the lookout for more updates throughout the semester! https://www.unioncity.k12.ok.us/page/senior-spotlight
26 days ago, Union City High School
🏀The Paden HS Basketball Tournament kicks off today!!!
26 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
🏀The Paden High School Invitational Tournament begins on tomorrow on Jan. 23!
27 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
It's time for 2 more Senior Spolights! Next up are Brinly Crowe and Aiden Lawson! Be on the lookout for information regarding the launch of The Class of 2025's page.
27 days ago, Union City High School
As many continue to be without power and it is bitterly cold today, the elementary building DOES have power and will be open and available for anyone needing to pop in, warm up and charge devices as needed throughout the day.
29 days ago, Kerri Griggs
The Safety and overall wellbeing of our students and employees is our #1 priority at UCPS. Due to unexpected power outages across UC, extreme cold and unknown ETA of return of power for some of our facilities and families across the district UCPS will be closed today. I am very sorry for the inconvenience and delayed notice. Please stay safe and as warm as possible.
29 days ago, Kerri Griggs
💙🤍A look at this week👀
29 days ago, Union City Intermediate School
As most of you know we have a very exciting school bond election coming up on February 11th. Tomorrow is the deadline to get registered to vote for this. PLEASE take just a few minutes of your time tonight (literally takes 2-3 minutes) and register online. This is an incredible opportunity to invest in our communities most important resource - our CHILDREN. This proposal will impact all students grades PK-12 as well as provide an opportunity to bring additional wrap around services to our community and a handicap accessible FEMA certified safe room that will hold upwards of 850 people. It will provide much needed updates to our Ag Program as well as designated space for art/music and FACS facilities (Home EC) Please be watching the mail, the school website and UCTV/social media for more specific information.
about 1 month ago, Kerri Griggs
voter registration
🏀JH Basketball games at Geary today!
about 1 month ago, Union City Intermediate School